Persuasive Writing Template Pack

Includes swipe copy, and tested & proven strategies to go from jumble of

jargon to clear, 'meh' to MUST BUY!, staring at the blank screen to

knocking out compelling first drafts in HALF the time!


Feeling like you’re the worst writer ever...

Not being able to find the right words to make your offer or message shine...

Taking forever to write your sales pages and blog posts (you might even have a whole bunch of abandoned ones on your computer)...

If you’re in any type of business online, you’ve heard it time and again. Persuasive writing or copy writing is critical.

Only it isn't as easy as gobbling up formulas and rules and putting them together. Getting all the parts to work together in harmony is anything but simple!

The problem?

Most copy books and resources teach theory or copywriting science.

The kind of stuff that makes people like you and I space out and want to run off screaming.

What you need though is something that helps you write 2-3x help you churn sales pages and blog posts in half the time.

To avoid the tear-your-hair-out frustration of second-guessing your writing.

If you answered YES to any of the above, you will love the Persuasive Writing Template Pack.

The pack contains a carefully curated selection of copy snippets and templates for different section of your sales page and blog posts...

Multiple quick start video trainings on how to open a sales conversation with your copy, how sales pages can tap into your audience's desires, demonstrate the value of your offer, overcome barriers, and build trust.

This is not a course but a templatized system to get you cranking out your blog posts and sales pages QUICKLY.

Writing copy doesn’t need to be a pain. Having the right swipe file will take the weight off your shoulders!

What's included in this template pack?

  • The Copy Triage & grid mapping tool breaks the whole process into small, doable steps so your sales pages write themselves. Use this to beat overwhelm and get that sales page done!
  • Swipe snippets for every section of your sales page and blog post to instantly make your writing pop with personality and ring true and clear. Save months of trial and error (and the lost sales that come with getting your copy super-wrong!)
  • Step-by-step checklists that will guide you to create your own original, value-drenched high-converting copy
  • The blog post litmus test to ensure that your content is engaging, crisper and more articulate
  • All of this complete with videos, swipe copy and checklists.


Who am I to be teaching you this?

I’m Meera Kothand, Amazon Bestselling Author and Email Marketing Specialist

Like you, I didn’t know how to write compelling content.

Neither did I have the budget to get a copywriter to write my pages for $1000 or more.

I had to unlearn a lot of what I had known my entire life as proper or acceptable writing.

It was hard!

I've spent years perfecting my writing and copy techniques or what I called the Copy Triage.

I still write all my copy and I'm a better salesperson because of it.

Maybe you're just starting out in copywriting...

Or you've written copy before with terrible results...

I want to reassure you that you absolutely don't need a fancy copywriter to make your offers sell or your blog posts stand out.

Rather than wasting hours writing words that may not perform...

...there's a much easier way to strategize and plan your sales pages and blog posts.

Writing words that actually sell doesn’t have to be a pain. Let me make it as easy as ‘Fill in the blanks’ for you.

At Only $49, the template pack will be the most pocket-friendly

investment you’ll make for your business