Does this sound familiar...
You've heard of the magic behind tripwires or bite sized offers...
These gold and diamond dusted products are small-ticket items that you offer your subscriber as soon as they sign-up.
The idea is to turn a subscriber into a buyer quickly because people are more likely to open their wallets and purses for you a second time if they’ve already crossed the hurdle of that first sale.
Maybe you've heard about the benefits of tripwires but aren't sure how to go about implementing them...
Perhaps deep down you're not entirely convinced they're the right move...
Maybe you tried implementing a tripwire but it hasn't made your paypal or stripe account sing like they said it would...
Or maybe you're itching to try out tripwires but you're terrified of the gazillion tech pieces you need to put together.
A tripwire should be a breeze, NOT a pain to put together.
The problem though...
NOT every low priced product makes a good tripwire.
The reason people struggle with their tripwire is because they don’t understand the characteristics of a tripwire and how it relates to the customer journey.
Likewise most people don't walk entrepreneurs through the strategy behind a right tripwire at all.
If this sounds like what you're struggling with, you will love High Converting Tripwires!
What's included in this training?
- A close look at the BIGGEST mistakes stopping entrepreneurs from making big $ with their tripwires so you can avoid those easily
- A handy list of the “ingredients” you need to start building out your tripwire offer and page
- The deceivingly simple checklist that will make it easy to nail your tripwire offer
- Write your conversion- optimized, engagingly persuasive tripwire page QUICKLY
- Answers to top questions
What if they don't buy? What if they do buy? Full price vs offer price and more! - All of this complete with videos, transcripts and tech walk-throughs
I’m Meera Kothand, Email Marketing Specialist and Amazon Bestselling Author
Tripwires are revenue and confidence boosters.
When you're selling these tiny gold dusted products with ease all day and every day, you aren't trapped under the weight of when's my next launch or promotion? or how do I pay for these tools to keep my business running till I make $.
Likewise, when you're brand new to the online space, selling these easily will wind down your stress and stack your success one layer at a time and give you the confidence that you've got this!
Tripwires changed the face of my business and I was kicking myself for not implementing them soon enough.
Your very first sale will likely cover the cost of this training
At Only $49, High Converting Tripwires will be the
most pocket-friendly investment you’ll make for your business.
Your very first sale will likely cover the cost of this training!